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*** UPDATED 6th July 2024 ***

Queen Victoria Classic and Sports Car Show

On Sunday 7th July 2024 the MGCC Anglia Centre proudly present the Queen Victoria Classic & Sports Car Show

Entry is free for all, however there is a charge of £5.00 for entries into the Concors or Pride of Ownership.

Entry forms are availble on the MGCC Queen Vic website here or by scanning the QR code above.

MG100 Cavalcade ‐ John O'Groats to Land's End

On Friday 17th May the MGCC Anglia Centre will be hosting the regional cavacade from Brown & Gammons in Baldock to Dartford (Ancaster MG)

We are limited to 40 cars for which commerative plaques are available.

Tea & coffee will be available from Brown and Gammons before the cavalcade departs the morning, and there are plenty of cafes around for breakfast.

Please contact Tony Batson via email or Jackie Batson via email further information and to book your place.

Click here for the google maps route.

Further information regarding the cavalcade is available on the MGCC website here

MGCC Anglia Summer Picnic 2024

The Anglia Centre will holding the Annual Summer Picnic at Bottisham Airfiel Museum on 2nd June 2024
Please visit here for further information and how to book your place.

MGCC Car Club Membership

For those of you who maybe lapsed or non members of this great club, please reconsider renewing / joining us.
Various options are available, monthly, annual, digital or physical versions to suit all budgets and preferences.
We get out and about within the region and out to national events..
We would very much love to have you on board

Please visit here for further information and how to join the MGCC.

Classics at Glemham 2024

The Anglia Centre will have a presence at the Classics at Glemham Hall in 2024
Please visit here for further information and how to book your place.

Stonham Barns Classic Car Show 2024

The Anglia Centre will have a presence at the Stonham Barns Classic Car show in 2024
Please visit here for further information and how to book your place.

Helmingham Hall Festival of Classic and Sports Cars 2024

The Anglia Centre will have a presence at the Helmingham Festival of Classic and Sports Car in 2024
Please visit here for further information and how to book your place.

Photographic Competiton Winner 2023

Our winner for the 2023 Photographic competition has been made and well done to Mike Starnes with his
Photograpgh entilted - Midget & Spitfire at Duxford, which can be seen below.
Well done to the Karl Roberts with his photograph - MG TF on Glen Etive Road being runner up, and
Alison Isaacson for 3rd place with the photohraph entiltled - MG 100 Celebrations

Thankyou to all those who entered the 2023 Photographic Competition, and we will announce soon when the 2024 competition is now open for entries.

Midget & Spitfire at Duxford

A welcome from our new Chairman

Hi everyone, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all Anglia Centre members and their families a very Happy New Year.
As we head into 2024,the centenary of the first production MG, we can look forward to some great events.
For those that don't know me, I took over from William Ball as the Anglia Centre chairman, and I look forward to meeting
some of you at future events, or pub meets. In the meantime, if you have any events that you'd like to add to our calendar,
please pass the details on to, including contact details for the person organising if it's not yourself.

Take care & stay safe.

Tony Batson
MGCC Anglia Centre Chairman.

MGCC Anglia Centre Merchandise

Gift Ideas for the enthusiast.
MG UK Polo tops can be purchased for £41.99 , ours are a snip at £15 + P&P
good quality items made to order, choice of plain or colour logo.
Get those orders in to beat the last minute rush.

Place your MG Anglia Centre Merchandise orders by clicking here

South Norfolk Natter

Please be advised that the South Norfolk Natter which is held at
The Swan Inn, Hillborough, IP26 5BW

We will be moving to Saturday breakfast meets (dates to be confirmed) instead
of natters being held on the 2nd Thursday, please note December Natter is the
Christmas Meal on the 21st December 2023 @ 7pm.

The breakfast natter for March will be happening on 9th March 2024

Please click on the Facebook logo for updates:-

Anglia MGF

Photographic Competition

A reminder to all the budding photograpers out there, the MGCC Anglia Photographic Competition is open for 2024
Head over to the Photographic Competition page from the above menu for details on how to enter.
Now that weather is improving we look forward receiving entries to the competion.
There are plenty of fantasic photographers out there, especially judging from previous entries to the competition.

MGCC Anglia Centre Calendar 2023

The 2023 Anglia Centre Calendar is available to download from Here

More News Items Will Be Added - Please Check Back Regularly
If you have any news stories/pictures then please email

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