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The competition for 2024 is now open, send your entries to

The Photographic Competition is open to all MGCC Anglia Centre members.
Photographs will only be accepted from MGCC Anglia Centre Members
Photos should be sent direct to the Anglia Centre Webmaster at with your details and membership number.
All photographs must be taken in the Calendar year January 2024 - December 2024
No more than 3 in number photographs may be submitted and should be in Landscape and are to feature MG Car content.
Photographs are only to be submitted by amateur photographers, professional photographs will be disqualified.
Images must not be entered into any other competition prior to or after entry to the MGCC Anglia Centre Photographic Competition.
Photographs will be published on the MG Car Club Anglia Website anonymously.
At the end of each year all photos submitted will be examined by an independant panel of judges from Kimber House.
The winning photo will be selected and an annual trophy presented to the winning entrant.

Would you like to enter the Photographic Competition or make a contribution the Photo Gallery?
then please email your pictures to the
Entries to the competition will appear on this page

The 2024 Competition Entries

Our First entry for the 2024 Photo Competition has been submitted:

an MG, my MG, in front of the P51 at Bottisham Airfield Museum

2023 Winner and Entries are available to view here

2022 Winner and Entries are available to view here

2021 Winner and Entries are available to view here

2020 Winning Entry is available to view here

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